How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need?
How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need?

We all know how important sleep is for our minds and bodies. Good sleep improves your health, from upping your brain performance to enhancing your mood and overall health, and bad sleep puts you at greater risks for diseases and disorders, from heart conditions to dementia.

But how much deep sleep do you need? How much deep sleep do you need a night? How much deep sleep do you need by age?

The world of sleep is actually much less snore-inducing that it seems, and we’re here to help you navigate the somewhat complicated landscape of sleep and our bodies.

Deep sleep is a crucial component of our sleep cycle, playing a pivotal role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Understanding the significance of deep sleep and exploring ways to enhance its duration and quality is essential for a restorative night's rest.

As the importance of deep sleep becomes increasingly evident, individuals are seeking effective ways to improve their sleep quality. One emerging option is the use of sleep gummies, which are chewable supplements designed to promote relaxation and enhance sleep patterns.

Let’s explore the specific factors affecting deep sleep, the recommended amount of deep sleep needed, and practical tips for optimizing this critical stage of the sleep cycle.

How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need?

Understanding the Significance of Deep Sleep

Deep sleep, often referred to as slow-wave sleep, is a pivotal phase within the sleep cycle that serves vital functions in maintaining our overall health and well-being.

This stage typically occurs during the third stage of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, characterized by slow, synchronized brainwave patterns known as delta waves. It's a period of profound rest and rejuvenation for both the body and the mind.

During deep sleep, our bodies engage in essential repair and maintenance activities, making it a critical component of a healthy sleep cycle.

What Deep Sleep Does For Us

The significance of deep sleep becomes apparent when we examine its restorative functions. Physically, deep sleep is a time when the body releases growth hormones, facilitating the repair and rebuilding of muscles, bones, and tissues. It also supports immune system functioning, helping the body defend against infections and illnesses. Additionally, deep sleep promotes the elimination of potentially harmful waste products from the brain, contributing to overall neurological health.

  • Physical Restoration: Deep sleep is crucial for the release of growth hormones, supporting the repair and rebuilding of muscles, bones, and tissues.
  • Immune System Support: It aids immune system functioning, assisting the body in defending against infections and illnesses.
  • Brain Waste Elimination: Deep sleep promotes the elimination of potentially harmful waste products from the brain, contributing to overall neurological health.
  • Memory Consolidation: Deep sleep plays a crucial role in memory consolidation, enhancing learning, knowledge retention, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Emotional Well-being: It is intertwined with emotional stability, regulating mood, reducing stress, and enhancing emotional resilience.
  • Enhanced Cognitive Processes: Deep sleep supports cognitive processes, contributing to overall cognitive function.
  • Weakened Immune System: Inadequate deep sleep can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

Factors Affecting Deep Sleep Needs

The amount of deep sleep an individual needs can vary considerably from person to person, and several factors come into play when determining these requirements.


One of the most significant factors is age. Generally, younger individuals tend to require more deep sleep compared to older adults. Babies and young children, for example, spend a substantial portion of their sleep in deep sleep stages as their bodies and brains are actively developing.

However, as we age, the amount of deep sleep naturally decreases, and older adults typically experience more time in lighter sleep stages.

Age plays a pivotal role in shaping deep sleep needs. Infants and children often need a more substantial amount of deep sleep to support their growth and development. Adolescents also require adequate deep sleep as it contributes to their cognitive and emotional maturation.

However, as adults advance in age, the proportion of deep sleep tends to decrease, with older adults experiencing more stage 2 sleep. This shift in sleep patterns is a normal part of the aging process and shouldn't necessarily be cause for concern.


Apart from age, various lifestyle factors can impact an individual's deep sleep needs. Physical activity and exercise can influence sleep patterns, with regular physical activity often promoting deeper and more restful sleep.

Conversely, high levels of stress, anxiety, or certain medical conditions can disrupt deep sleep, leading to difficulties in achieving the recommended amount of restorative rest.

Maintaining overall health through a balanced lifestyle, stress management, and addressing any underlying medical issues can contribute to improved deep sleep quality and duration.

How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need by Age

The amount of deep sleep needed varies significantly across different age groups, reflecting the evolving sleep patterns and requirements that individuals experience throughout their lives.

For infants and young children, deep sleep is particularly crucial as it supports their rapid growth and cognitive development. Babies can spend up to 50% of their total sleep time in deep sleep stages, gradually decreasing as they move into childhood.

As individuals transition into adolescence and adulthood, the need for deep sleep remains important, albeit with some changes. Adolescents generally require around 20-25% of their sleep time to be in deep sleep, which plays a role in their cognitive and emotional maturation.

Age Group

Recommended Hours of Sleep

Amount of Deep Sleep

Newborn to 3 months

12-18 hours

2.4 to 3.6 hours

3 months to 1 year

14-15 hours

2.8 to 3.0 hours

1 to 3 years

12-14 hours

2.4 to 2.8 hours

3 to 5 years

11-13 hours

2.2 to 2.6 hours

5 to 12 years

10-11 hours

2.0 to 2.2 hours

12 to 18 years

8.5-10 hours

1.7 to 2.0 hours

Over 18 years

7.5-9 hours

1.5 to 1.8 hours

The National Sleep Foundation provides general sleep duration recommendations that can serve as a guideline for different age groups.

However, it's crucial to remember that individual variations exist, and what matters most is obtaining a balanced and restful night's sleep that supports overall health and daily functioning.

Tips for Improving Deep Sleep

Improving the quality and duration of deep sleep can have a profound impact on overall health and well-being. Here are some practical tips to enhance deep sleep:

Prioritize Sleep Hygiene

Establish a sleep-friendly environment by keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows.

Develop a consistent bedtime routine to signal to your body that it's time to wind down. Avoid electronic devices with bright screens before bedtime, as the blue light can interfere with your sleep-wake cycle.

Manage Stress

High levels of stress and anxiety can disrupt deep sleep. Engage in relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or progressive muscle relaxation to calm your mind before sleep. Journaling or practicing mindfulness can also help alleviate stress and promote a sense of calm.

Regular Exercise

Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine can improve sleep quality, including deep sleep. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. However, avoid intense workouts close to bedtime, as they may have the opposite effect and interfere with sleep.

Watch Your Diet

Be mindful of what you eat and drink before bedtime. Avoid heavy or spicy meals, caffeine, and alcohol in the hours leading up to sleep, as they can disrupt sleep patterns. Opt for a light, balanced snack if you're hungry before bed.

Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same times every day, even on weekends. Consistency helps regulate your body's internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up refreshed.

Limit Naps

While short power naps can be refreshing, excessive daytime napping can interfere with nighttime sleep, including deep sleep. If you need to nap, keep it brief (20-30 minutes) and earlier in the day.

Limit Exposure to Screens

The blue light emitted by phones, tablets, and computers can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime, or use blue light filters if you must use them.

Incorporating these practices into your daily routine can contribute to better deep sleep and an overall improved sleep experience. Remember that consistency is key, and it may take time for your body to adjust to these changes and fully benefit from improved sleep quality.

Monitoring Deep Sleep

In our quest for better sleep, monitoring our sleep patterns has become increasingly accessible and valuable. Sleep tracking tools and technologies have emerged as effective ways to gain insights into the quality and quantity of our sleep, including the crucial stage of deep sleep.

These tools, which range from wearable devices to smartphone apps and comprehensive sleep studies, offer valuable data that can help individuals make necessary adjustments for more restful nights.

For more in-depth insights into sleep, especially in cases of suspected sleep disorders, comprehensive sleep studies, also known as polysomnography, are conducted in sleep clinics. These studies involve monitoring various physiological parameters, including brain waves, eye movement, muscle activity, and heart rate.

Sleep professionals analyze the data to diagnose sleep disorders and provide tailored treatment recommendations. While comprehensive sleep studies are highly accurate, they are typically reserved for individuals with complex sleep issues or those participating in clinical research.

Monitoring deep sleep and overall sleep patterns can offer several benefits. It allows individuals to identify trends, such as irregular sleep schedules or nighttime awakenings, which may be disrupting their sleep.

Armed with this knowledge, individuals can make targeted changes to their sleep hygiene, daily routines, and environmental factors to optimize their sleep quality.

Additionally, tracking sleep can provide valuable insights into the effects of lifestyle choices, such as diet and exercise, on sleep quality, helping individuals make informed decisions to promote better sleep and overall well-being.

How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need?

Sleep Gummies as a Sleep Aid

In the pursuit of better sleep, sleep gummies have gained popularity as a convenient and tasty sleep aid option.

These chewable supplements are designed to promote relaxation and enhance sleep quality, making them an attractive choice for those looking to improve their sleep without the need for traditional pills or capsules.

Sleep gummies come in various formulations, each with its own blend of ingredients aimed at helping individuals achieve a peaceful and restful night's sleep.

Sleep gummies often contain a combination of natural ingredients known for their sleep-promoting properties. Two commonly found ingredients are melatonin and CBD (cannabidiol).

Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle and is commonly used to alleviate jet lag and insomnia. CBD, derived from the cannabis plant, is known for its potential to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, which can contribute to improved sleep.

Other ingredients like chamomile, valerian root, and L-theanine may also be included to enhance the calming effect of sleep gummies.

Sleep gummies have gained popularity due to their convenience and ease of use. They offer a tastier and more approachable alternative to traditional sleep aids, making them appealing to a wide range of individuals seeking better sleep quality.

At Edobles, for example, we offer a variety of sleep gummies, including "Lucid Dreams Gummies," "Deep Dreams Gummies," and "Sweet Dreams Gummies."

These gummies come in various flavors and formulations, including cannabinoid and non-cannabinoid alternatives, allowing individuals to choose the option that best suits their preferences and sleep needs.

How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need?

To Wrap Things Up

The significance of deep sleep in our lives cannot be overstated. It serves as a vital period of physical and mental restoration, contributing to overall health and well-being. Deep sleep plays a pivotal role in memory consolidation, immune system support, and emotional stability.

Recognizing the importance of deep sleep should motivate individuals to assess their own sleep needs and make necessary lifestyle changes to ensure they obtain adequate restorative rest.

Factors such as age, lifestyle, and overall health can influence deep sleep requirements. It's essential for individuals to pay attention to their own sleep patterns and listen to their bodies.

Sleep's not something we think about, our bodies just do it instinctually. Even so, it’s one of our most important bodily functions, influencing every other aspect of our mental and bodily health.

At the end of the day, sleep always awaits you (literally). So, whether you do so with improved sleep hygiene, good food and exercise, or with the help of some trusty sleep gummies, start acting like it.