What Is Libido? A Full Guide
What Is Libido? A Full Guide

You’ve probably already heard of— or at least felt— libido. It’s just, after all, another word for sex drive, and despite what prudes and abstinence fanatics may say, it’s a completely natural bodily function.

But libido isn't just a built-in anatomical function. It’s a muse. A muse for art and music and poetry and everything in between. From the Rolling Stones to Francisco de Goya, sex drive and desire have birthed masterpieces through the ages.

But we’re not here to get artsy fartsy.

If you want to get technical, libido refers to an individual's innate sexual drive and desire. It is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon encompassing biological, psychological, and social aspects of human life.

While the term is commonly associated with sexual interest, it encompasses a broader spectrum of emotions, attractions, and passions that contribute to a person's overall sexual well-being.

A Regular Bodily Function Without “Normal” Standards

Libido is deeply personal and subjective, with no universal standard for what constitutes a "normal" level of sexual desire. Rather, it varies widely from person to person, shaped by unique life experiences and individual factors.

One of the striking features of libido is its inherent variability. What may be a high level of sexual desire for one person could be considered low for another. This variation is influenced by an array of factors, including age, hormonal fluctuations, stress levels, relationship dynamics, and psychological well-being.

It's crucial to acknowledge that a person's libido can change over time, influenced by the ebb and flow of life circumstances. Recognizing and respecting this diversity in sexual desire is essential in fostering healthy relationships and personal well-being.

Libido holds significant importance in an individual's life. Beyond being an integral aspect of human sexuality, it plays a crucial role in emotional intimacy, bonding, and overall satisfaction in relationships. For many, a healthy and fulfilling sexual life can contribute to a sense of overall well-being and quality of life.

Understanding one's own libido, as well as that of a partner, can lead to more open and fulfilling communication about sexual desires and needs. Recognizing the significance of libido helps individuals prioritize their sexual health as an essential component of their overall physical and emotional health.

What Is Libido? A Full Guide

Factors Influencing Libido

Libido levels can be influenced by several internal and external factors. From the state of your emotions to your hormonal changes and the dynamics of your relationship, your libido is highly sensitive. It’s like a second brain telling your body what it likes and doesn't. Let’s explore some influencing factors.

Emotional State

Emotions are powerful drivers of libido. An individual's emotional state can have a profound impact on their sexual desire. Feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression can often dampen libido, making it challenging to engage in or enjoy sexual activity.

Conversely, positive emotions, such as feelings of love, intimacy, and connection, can enhance one's libido and contribute to a more satisfying sexual experience. It's crucial to recognize the role emotions play in shaping our sexual desires and to address emotional well-being as an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy libido.

In other words, your libido is intuitive. If you feel bad, you won't want to get down and dirty. If you feel good, your libido will follow!

Hormone Levels

Hormones play a pivotal role in regulating libido. Changes in hormone levels, such as fluctuations in estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and cortisol, can directly influence one's sexual desire.

Adequate hormone levels are necessary to maintain the proper functioning of sexual organs and promote healthy blood flow to pelvic areas, enhancing sensations and overall sexual satisfaction.

Understanding the hormonal aspects of libido can help individuals address any imbalances or deficiencies that may be affecting their sex drive.

Periods are a good example of this. Women commonly report getting, for lack of better words, super horny on their periods. They can't explain it. They’re bloated, sometimes nauseous, and bleeding from down there, but down there tells upstairs it’s wired up and ready to go anyway.

This is because estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels fluctuate during menstrual cycles, which affects sex drive. Estrogen drops and rises a few days into a period flows, potentially upping those frisky feelings, while progesterone, a generally unsexy hormone, stays pretty low.

Physical State

Physical well-being is closely intertwined with libido. Factors such as fatigue, chronic illness, or pain during sexual intercourse can significantly impact sexual desire.

Regular exercise can boost libido by increasing blood flow to genital areas and reducing stress hormones like cortisol. Additionally, getting enough sleep is crucial for maintaining balanced testosterone levels and reducing stress, both of which can positively affect libido.

Overall physical health and self-care practices can contribute to a more vibrant and fulfilling sex life, making it essential to prioritize one's physical well-being for the sake of sexual health.

Sex drive is just energy focused on one very, very fun activity. But if you’re too tired to even blink, chances are, you’ll be too tired to do much more. Taking care of your body can help you take care of yourself (and your partner) in the bedroom.

Relationship Dynamics

The dynamics of a relationship, including communication, trust, intimacy, and overall satisfaction, are fundamental factors influencing libido. A positive and supportive relationship fosters a healthy sexual connection between partners, leading to enhanced sexual desire and satisfaction.

Open communication about desires, preferences, and concerns contributes to a fulfilling sexual life within a relationship.

Understanding these factors and their interplay is crucial in addressing any concerns related to libido and sexual health. It allows individuals and couples to work towards enhancing their sexual experiences and maintaining a satisfying and fulfilling intimate life.

High Libido

High libido is characterized by a frequent and intense interest in sexual activity. Individuals with high libido often experience a strong desire for sex and may actively seek out sexual experiences.

They typically have a more spontaneous and responsive approach to sexual desire, readily becoming aroused and maintaining a keen interest in sexual activities.

Health Benefits of a Robust Libido

A robust libido can offer several health benefits. It can contribute to a fulfilling and satisfying sex life, which, in turn, can enhance emotional well-being, reduce stress, and improve overall quality of life.

Regular sexual activity is associated with improved cardiovascular health, stronger immune system function, and reduced pain perception. Additionally, sexual intimacy can foster emotional connection and improve relationship satisfaction.

Differentiating Healthy High Libido from Hypersexuality

It's important to differentiate between a healthy high libido and hypersexuality, which is considered a disorder.

Hypersexuality involves an excessive, compulsive, and often uncontrollable urge for sexual activity, which can negatively impact an individual's life, relationships, and daily functioning. Healthy high libido, on the other hand, does not necessarily lead to problematic behaviors or distress.

Causes of Excessively High Libido

Excessively high libido can have various causes. It may be related to underlying medical conditions, such as bipolar disorder or certain neurological disorders.

Substance abuse or addiction can also contribute to hypersexuality. Additionally, psychological factors, such as unresolved trauma or anxiety, may play a role in driving excessively high libido.

Symptoms of an Overly High Libido

Symptoms of an overly high libido may include a constant preoccupation with sexual thoughts and activities, a compulsive need for sexual stimulation, difficulty maintaining non-sexual relationships, and engaging in risky sexual behaviors. These symptoms can lead to distress and impairment in daily life.

Treatment Options for an Overly High Libido

Treatment for an overly high libido depends on its underlying causes and the impact it has on an individual's life. It may involve psychotherapy or counseling to address psychological factors contributing to hypersexuality.

Medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms if the condition is related to a mental health disorder. For cases involving substance abuse, addiction treatment is essential.

It's crucial to seek professional help when an overly high libido interferes with daily functioning and well-being to explore appropriate treatment options and support.

Low Libido

Low libido, or a diminished interest in sexual activity, can manifest differently in individuals. Some common symptoms include a lack of interest in sex, infrequent sexual thoughts or fantasies, difficulty becoming sexually aroused, and reduced sexual desire even in the presence of a willing partner.

It's important to note that low libido varies in intensity and can be temporary or chronic, and it affects people differently.

Psychological Factors Contributing to Low Libido

Psychological factors often play a significant role in low libido. Stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship conflicts can contribute to a decrease in sexual desire.

Body image issues, past trauma, and sexual insecurities may also impact one's libido. Addressing these psychological factors through therapy or counseling can be an effective approach to improving libido.

Physiological Causes of Low Libido

Various physiological factors can contribute to low libido. Hormonal imbalances, such as low levels of testosterone or estrogen, can reduce sexual desire.

Certain medical conditions, including diabetes, obesity, and chronic illnesses, may also negatively affect libido. Additionally, medications, such as some antidepressants or antihypertensives, can have side effects that lower sexual desire.

Some medications and substances can lead to low libido as a side effect. These may include certain antidepressants, antipsychotics, and medications that affect hormone levels.

Excessive alcohol or drug use can also diminish sexual desire. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider if you suspect that medication is affecting your libido to explore alternative options or potential adjustments.

Pathological Causes

In some cases, low libido can be attributed to a specific disorder known as Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). HSDD is characterized by a persistent absence or reduced sexual desire, causing distress in an individual's life.

It is a diagnosable medical condition that may require specialized treatment, including psychotherapy, hormone therapy, or medications approved for HSDD management. Identifying and addressing the underlying pathological causes of low libido is essential for improving one's sexual well-being.

What Is Libido? A Full Guide

Addressing Low Libido

Lifestyle modifications can play a crucial role in addressing low libido.

Diet & Exercise

Firstly, regular exercise and physical activity promote overall well-being and can boost libido by increasing blood flow, reducing stress, and improving mood.

A balanced and nutritious diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can support hormonal balance and overall health. Effective stress management techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, or yoga, can help reduce the psychological factors contributing to low libido.

Furthermore, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption can have a positive impact on sexual desire and overall sexual health.


Behavioral therapy, including individual or couples counseling, can be highly beneficial for addressing low libido, especially when psychological factors or relationship issues are at the core of the problem.

Therapy can help individuals and couples explore and resolve underlying emotional or interpersonal conflicts that may be inhibiting sexual desire.

Open and honest communication with a therapist or counselor can lead to a deeper understanding of one's sexual needs and desires, improving the overall sexual experience.

Supplements & Medications

In some cases, healthcare providers may recommend interventions to tackle low libido. Here are key considerations:

  • Hormone Therapy: When hormonal imbalances contribute to low libido, healthcare providers may suggest hormone therapy. This can involve testosterone or estrogen replacement to restore balance.
  • Medications for HSDD: Approved medications for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) might be prescribed in consultation with a healthcare professional to address low libido.
  • Natural Remedies: Some individuals explore natural remedies alongside or instead of traditional medications. This can include herbal supplements and aphrodisiacs known for their libido-boosting properties.
  • Supplements as an Alternative: For those hesitant about medical interventions, supplements provide an alternative. These often include natural substances renowned for promoting sex drive, offering organic libido boosts without artificial ingredients or chemicals commonly found in pharmaceuticals.

Here at Edōbles, that’s exactly what we do.

Our Libido Gummies collection currently consists of three distinct supplemental gummies proven to increase sex drive, energy, and desire.

Get it On Gummies, our first candidate, contains a combination of Horny Goatweed Leaf Powder, Maca Root, and Ashwagandha, all ingredients known to improve sexual performance, eradicate fatigue, and and enhance vitality.

Our Big Bang Gummies, feature all the same ingredients as the former, with the added power of full-spectrum CBD for increased relaxation and stress relief, for those who have performance issues or other anxieties keeping them from unleashing their best in bed.

No matter what kind of supplement you choose, whether ours or someone else’s, it’s always a good idea to consult with medical professionals.

The Bottom Line

Addressing low libido often involves a combination of approaches tailored to the individual's specific needs and circumstances. Lifestyle changes, therapy, and, when appropriate, medications or natural remedies can work in tandem to help individuals improve their libido and overall sexual well-being.

Seeking guidance from a qualified healthcare provider or therapist is essential to determine the most suitable approach for addressing low libido and enhancing one's sexual health.

The Role of Hormones in Libido

Hormones play a pivotal role in regulating libido in both men and women. Testosterone, primarily known as a male hormone, also exists in lower levels in women and is crucial for sexual desire in both genders.

In men, testosterone levels typically peak during adolescence and early adulthood, contributing to a robust libido. However, as men age, testosterone levels gradually decline, which can lead to a decrease in sexual desire.

In women, hormonal changes related to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause can also influence libido, with fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone impacting sexual desire.

Testosterone is a key hormone influencing sexual desire in both men and women. It plays a role in stimulating sexual thoughts, fantasies, and physical arousal. In men, low testosterone levels, often associated with aging, can result in reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, and diminished sexual satisfaction.

For women, while testosterone levels are lower than in men, they still play a critical role in sexual desire. Changes in testosterone levels can affect sexual interest and response, particularly during times of hormonal transition, such as menopause.

Libido & Menopause

Menopause represents a significant hormonal transition for women. As estrogen and progesterone levels decline, women may experience a decrease in sexual desire, vaginal dryness, and changes in sexual responsiveness.

These symptoms can lead to discomfort and reduced interest in sexual activity. However, it's essential to note that not all women experience the same effects during menopause, and some may maintain a healthy libido with the right interventions, such as hormone replacement therapy or lifestyle changes.

Libido & Medication

Certain medications, such as hormonal contraceptives, antidepressants, and antipsychotics, can impact hormone levels and, consequently, libido. Some medications may reduce sexual desire as a side effect, while others may have a neutral or even positive impact on sexual function.

It's essential for individuals to communicate openly with their healthcare providers about any changes in libido or sexual function related to medications, as adjustments to treatment plans or alternative options may be available to mitigate these effects.

Understanding the intricate relationship between hormones and libido is crucial for addressing sexual health concerns.

When hormonal factors are identified as contributors to low libido or sexual dysfunction, healthcare providers can explore treatment options tailored to an individual's specific needs, which may include hormone therapy or adjustments to medications.

Open communication with a healthcare provider is key to addressing and managing hormonal influences on libido effectively.

What Is Libido? A Full Guide

Diagnosis of Low Libido

Diagnosing low libido involves a comprehensive evaluation to identify the underlying causes contributing to diminished sexual desire. The diagnostic process typically comprises several key components.

Firstly, a physical examination may be conducted to assess general health and identify any physical conditions that may affect libido, such as obesity or hormonal imbalances.

Secondly, obtaining a thorough medical history is essential, as it allows healthcare providers to gather information about past and current health conditions, medications, and lifestyle factors that may be relevant to low libido.

Finally, blood tests may be ordered to measure hormone levels, including testosterone, estrogen, and thyroid hormones, as imbalances in these hormones can significantly impact sexual desire.

Low Libido & Underlying Conditions

Diagnosing low libido often involves identifying underlying medical conditions that may contribute to diminished sexual desire.

These medical conditions can vary widely and may include hormonal imbalances, such as low testosterone levels in men or hormonal fluctuations in women related to menopause or pregnancy.

Chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, or chronic pain can also influence libido. In some cases, medications prescribed for unrelated health issues may have side effects that affect sexual desire. Identifying these medical conditions is crucial, as treating the underlying health issue may lead to an improvement in libido.

Once the diagnostic process has identified potential underlying medical conditions, healthcare providers can work with individuals to develop a tailored treatment plan.

Treatment strategies may include addressing the root causes, such as hormone replacement therapy, changes in medication, or lifestyle modifications like stress reduction techniques or exercise regimens.

Open and honest communication with a healthcare provider is vital to ensure a comprehensive evaluation and an effective treatment plan for individuals experiencing low libido.

Treatment Approaches

Addressing low libido often involves a personalized approach targeting specific underlying causes. Identifying the root cause, whether hormonal imbalances, psychological factors, relationship issues, or medication-related side effects, is essential.

For instance, hormone replacement therapy may be considered for hormonal imbalances, while stress management techniques or exercise can help with psychological factors. Customizing treatment to individual circumstances maximizes intervention effectiveness and improves sexual well-being.

Psychotherapy & Medication

Psychotherapy and counseling play vital roles in addressing low libido, especially when psychological factors are primary. Individual therapy helps manage issues like anxiety, depression, past trauma, or body image concerns affecting sexual desire.

Couples counseling aids when relationship dynamics or communication issues contribute to low libido. These approaches provide a supportive environment for individuals and couples to discuss concerns, gain insight, and develop strategies to enhance sexual well-being.

Medications can be recommended in some cases to address low libido, particularly for those with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). Specific medications approved for HSDD can increase sexual desire when psychological or relationship factors aren't primary causes.

Natural Remedies

Some individuals explore natural remedies and supplements, like herbal aphrodisiacs or adaptogens, to improve libido. It's essential to consult with a healthcare provider before using natural remedies to ensure safety and appropriateness.

Low libido is multifaceted, requiring a comprehensive, individualized approach to treatment.

By considering underlying causes, seeking psychotherapy or counseling as needed, exploring medication options when appropriate, and discussing natural remedies with a healthcare provider, individuals can work towards improving sexual well-being and overall quality of life.

Gender Differences in Libido

Gender differences in libido are complex and influenced by a combination of biological, cultural, and societal factors. Recognizing and understanding these differences is essential for promoting healthy and fulfilling sexual relationships and addressing challenges related to libido.


Gender Differences in Libido

Cultural and Societal Expectations

Gender-based stereotypes often lead to varying perceptions of libido, with men stereotypically expected to have higher libido than women, impacting sexual satisfaction and communication.

The Role of Estrogen and Testosterone

Testosterone plays a key role in sexual desire for both genders, but men generally have higher baseline levels, resulting in more consistent and intense libido.

Women's libido can be influenced by hormonal fluctuations related to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause.

Addressing Libido Challenges in Both Genders

Overcoming libido challenges involves challenging stereotypes, promoting open communication about desires, and seeking medical or psychological support as needed.

Managing issues like erectile dysfunction or low testosterone is vital for men, while women may focus on hormonal balance and addressing psychological factors like stress.

Regardless of gender, emotional intimacy, sexual exploration, and therapy can help address libido issues.

To Wrap Things Up

In the end, understanding libido involves recognizing its multifaceted nature, influenced by biological, psychological, and societal factors. Gender differences in libido arise from cultural expectations and hormonal variations, with men generally experiencing more consistent and intense sexual desire.

When low or high libido leads to distress or impairment in daily life, it's crucial to seek help. Libido is an essential component of overall well-being, and addressing sexual health concerns can significantly improve quality of life.

Healthcare providers, therapists, and counselors are valuable resources for identifying and managing the underlying causes of libido issues and developing effective treatment strategies.

In conclusion, liking sex is wonderful and natural. Your libido levels being too low or too high can also be natural. There are remedies for both. Libido is varied and personal and ever-changing, and you deserve to have great sex if you crave it!